Where can I find my dream product role?

The New PM
5 min readAug 18, 2020


The job market is a vast world with paths that lead in multiple directions. As well as going left and right, these paths move up down, forwards and also backwards. Applying for jobs is a time consuming process however, if you use the right tools you can be efficient and make the most of your time available.

When I first started to look for jobs in product technology, like many, I was going in blind. Fortunately I had some good friends in the industry to guide me, however even then it took time for my feet to feel the ground.

I started applications through the standard route of either LinkedIn, or directly through the company with a very mixed range of success. As both of these routes are the stereotype for job searches, naturally the traffic of applicants is just as vast and therefore competition is significantly ramped up. For a couple of months, I continued to apply through LinkedIn and I got the occasional interview although every interview is a positive experience, the job offer did not follow.

After spending some more time applying, I discovered that there were as many career sites as there were actual jobs available. The choice was a luxury and I began to appreciate how many incredible opportunities were available to me. Especially in comparison to when my parent’s generation began to apply, which was a very much ‘CV in the door’ type of process.

The range of opportunities do however have a downside. Technology has brought the world together and increased the market for businesses across every industry. This includes the job market which businesses find applicants from all over the world; remote working is increasing competition further. You need to stand out (more on this next week).

You need to apply with a strategy. I remember there were several jobs I applied to through LinkedIn, which I was directed through about 5 different jobs sites before I was actually brought to the source of the job. This was frustrating as a user, but also wasted the most important resource of all…..


My email inbox also suffered through the countless blockers of having to agree to job alerts to continue to the next stage. I digress, however a top tip in that situation is to avoid the links and go direct to the employer, which in most circumstances have the job listed on their website.

Either way, please see below the sources I found most useful as career boards for product jobs. These are in no particular order and for the most productive search, I would recommend using a combination of each one to find your dream role.

  1. Angel List

Moving into product presents a wide range of opportunities for growth, through your career and skills. One of the most rewarding strategies is to join a startup. You will find this very hard work and the learning curve will be significant, however it is most satisfying when you want to jump start your life in product.

Angel is a brilliant platform founded by a strong influence of mine (Naval Ravikant). Here is a very intuitive product which features job listings in startups from across the world providing a range of career options. It is simple to use, provides a good profile on the business, capital raised, number of employees and a detailed job description.

I would spend most of your time here as you will recieve the rewards of exposure through your profile and applications.

Angel search results

2. Otta

Otta is the best job platform I have come across, the insight into each company is fantastic and gives you a real vibe of the status of the tech business before you apply. They include only tech businesses which can range from large FAANG size, or to medium sized.

I am signed up to the weekly email which sends me personalised job recommendations. Entering this, I am met with a dating app style product which I approve or reject the jobs presented to me. The insight into each business is brilliant as Otta provides a vast range of job information, including their own personalised insight into their summary of the company.

Otta career options

3. Workinstartups

Similar to Angel List, however with a more simple platform. The roles are specifically at startups and there are a great variety of businesses with vacancies and roles available. Jobs are posted regularly and they either send you to the employer website or you apply through Workinstartups.

The platform is quick and easy to use whilst giving you a strong overview of the role you are applying for.

Overview of Workinstartups job board

4. LinkedIn

Finally of course, I had to include LinkedIn. The scope of jobs is infinte and opportunities are vast. LinkedIn has its downsides and distractions, such as the multiple of irrelevant posts and the ability to search/ filter job results is weak.

However, there is no taking away the fact is it the monopoly of job opportunities with the majority of businesses hiring through LinkedIn regularly. The communication through the platform is strong and it really can provide an endless list of potential jobs available (the relevance of those jobs is another matter.)

LinkedIn job description

I hope this has helped you find a source for job opportunities and if you found further resources then please comment below.



The New PM

Entering the exciting growing world of Product Management